How to automatically delete spam email Print

  • 12

The installed anti-spam software called Apache Spam Assassin is able to automatically delete any spam that scores above a defined threshold. Spam Assassin is an excellent way to filter out spam at the server level before it gets to your mail client.

To enable it in cPanel:

  1. Login to cPanel

  2. Click on the SpamAssassin Icon under the mail section

  3. Enable SpamAssassin at the top of the page

  4. Set the spam score required before SpamAssassin auto deletes the incoming mail

  5. Press Auto-Delete Spam button to enable

That's it. The next email that is received by the server will be scanned and if the spam score matches or is above the defined spam score required the email will be deleted. Lowering the required spam score will reduce the amount of spam you receive, but may catch genuine emails.

This is one of many solutions to combat spam, please contact our support team if you require further assistance.

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